Mon, Jan 31, 2022

6 PM – 7:20 PM (GMT+1)

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In this lecture, Dr. Georgette Daoud de Daoud will review the impact that nutrition and environmental factors have on our health and discuss the following topics:
  1. WHY nutrition is important for our health
  2. WHICH nutrients we should consume
  3. HOW to cook our food
  4. WHAT happens to our health if our nutrition is not adequate
To understand these topics, we will discuss the role that two groundbreaking pillars have in healthy nutrition: epigenetics and the human microbiome.

Epigenetics is the science that studies how our diet, lifestyle, and other environmental factors affect our genes and is responsible for more than 90% of non-communicable diseases like diabetes, metabolic syndrome, obesity, cardiovascular, renal, neurological, and autoimmune disorders.

The human microbiome is composed of more than one hundred trillion microorganisms that inhabit our body and play a crucial role in our immunology and brain's health. 70% of these microorganisms inhabit the gastrointestinal tract, and their diversity and quantity are directly proportional to our nutrition.

We are what we eat! Having a healthy lifestyle and eating properly is the key to healthy longevity. 


Dr. Georgette Daoud de Daoud's profile photo

Dr. Georgette Daoud de Daoud

Founder and Chairman of the Department of Pediatric Gastroenterology at Hospital Miguel Perez Carreño, Postdoctoral Fellow in Pediatric, Nutrition, and Gastroenterology, Scientific Researcher and International Speaker

Postdoctoral Fellow in Pediatric, Nutrition, and Gastroenterology and Clinical Instructor in Pediatrics at Baylor College of Medicine (Houston, USA), Honorary Clinical Assistant in Pediatric Gastroenterology at Queen Elizabeth Hospital for Sick Children (London, UK), Magister Scientiarum in Pediatrics, Doctor in Medicine, and Professor at Universidad Central de Venezuela (Caracas, Venezuela). Founder and Chairman of the Department of Pediatric Gastroenterology at Hospital Miguel Perez Carreño, Unidad de Gastroenterología y Nutrición Pedriátrica, Dra. Georgette Daoud (Caracas, Venezuela), Scientific Researcher and International Speaker in subjects related to nutrition, gastroenterology, microbiota, celiac disease, probiotics, epigenetics, helicobacter pylori, and others. 

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